Isidore Leroy | Arbustes
These three shrubs with delicate colors and fine features are drawn with charcoal by Francesco Battista; a model that invites you to contemplate nature.
You can create your composition by choosing one, two or three shrubs; Figuier, Mimosa, Arbousier. The panel version allows you a lot of possibilities! If you need to place the elements according to your room, you can contact us directly to choose the shrubs and their exact positioning.
In conclusion, for example, you can have the option to purchase either 3 of the same Panel type and connect them, or 3 different Panel types, which are Panel Figuier, Mimosa, Arbousier and connect them to each other within the limit of a total width of 450 cm. 1 Panel has 150 cm width and consists of 3 wallpaper strips. Each strip has 50 cm width. And if you wish to cover more than 450 cm width, you can add any type of Panel you’d like, since each panel type can connect to each others’ left and right side. For further information, kindly check our webcomic tutorial below.
Available In Custom And Panel Version, Total 1 Set Width 1.5m And Height 3.3m, 1 Set = 3 Wallpaper Strips, And Each Strips = 50cm Width