What is Duplex Wallpaper?
Duplex Wallpaper is a kind of Paper Wallpaper. It is consist of two (or sometimes even more) layers of pressed paper which are “glued” together. Those wallpapers are eco-friendly as well as all Paper Wallpaper. But they are more durable than the regular Paper ones ( Simplex Wallpaper).
How to clean Duplex Wallpaper?
Prior to cleaning that type of wallpaper, you will need to find out if they are washable. Cause there are a lot of paper wallpapers which are not washable at all and any contact with water will be damaging to them. We are offering washable Duplex Wallpaper. Under the term "washable" we mean that we are coating those wallpaper with special ( in this case) thin waterproof film and when you will rub or scrub wallpaper surface you will damage that protective layer and, as a result, you will damage your wallpaper. You have to understand that any of Paper Wallpaper cannot be as washable as Vinyl Wallpaper are. They cannot be washable with a lot of water or any other solution. Our advice is just to wipe your wallpaper with a very soft, damp cloth.