The balcony is a platform that projects from the wall of a building with access from an upper-floor window or door. In an apartment, the balcony is a valuable asset in several ways. The balcony enables the resident to spend time outdoors without having to leave home. The balcony also is a great space for socializing. That’s also as access to get fresh air and enjoy views and sunset.

For most people who live in an apartment, outdoor space doesn’t exactly come except for luxuries like a she-shed or a swimming pool area. But, for some people having space for a balcony is special. You’ve got your own space in the great outdoors to customize exactly how you’d like. You can make that space comfortable to enjoy your sunset or if you work or school from home, you can make use of the space. Here are a few tips for balcony design that make you fresh for classic lovers.
1. Showing the wall
To make an impression like the real outdoors, you can use something different on your balcony. Not like most balconies, you can make your balcony with the wall look like an unfinished room. You can show the brick wall to have a real impression. But it’s not like you take out the wall and then you show the brick. You can use wallpaper to make it. As simple as just putting wallpaper with brick wall design and that’s it. With that, you can get a real impression of your balcony.
2. Use suitable floor
To make it special, flooring is also important to the balcony. You must use flooring so that colors can’t fade due to overexposure to sunlight so that it is suitable for your balcony. Using a balcony floor is a good choice. Besides having many types to make your balcony like a real outdoor, balcony floor can also survive extreme temperatures.
3. Make it simple
After you redesign the wall and floor, you need to put in some furniture so you can enjoy it there. Some furniture is simple, has benefits, is aesthetic, and is also durable with a classic theme. For example, you can put chairs and a simple table to enjoy the sunset and feel fresh air.
Making your balcony will maximize your own idea to put it there. Make your balcony more interesting, simple, and aesthetic, but the most important is you feel happy with it. For more inspiration to make your room more special, you can visit our blog or feel free to discuss with us. We will make your residence comfortable, and trendy and then your dream house will come true!