Apart from wall paint, wallpaper can be your choice to decorate the walls of your home, office, hospital, or something else. But because people use paint more often, it will affect you. There is a possibility that you tend to follow what other people do. Especially if you don’t know the wallpaper advantages for your room.
If you know, wallpaper advantages can work for everyone. If you choose the right wallpaper and the installation steps are correct, you may feel that using wallpaper is more useful than paint. You can use your wallpaper for a long time and be happy because of its beautiful motifs. Various motifs and practical installation are interesting points if you want to use wallpaper.

1. Design
In the past, floral and botanical design like chinoiserie was popular in the stately homes of England. The are also damask-style design from Islamic prototypes, and later much copied in Italian and Spanish textiles which were found in Europe as a block print-type wallpapers.

Modern and contemporary design now focuses on simplicity when creating spaces. These designs are partial to shapes and lines that are crisp and clean, it’s never wrong to use them in every corner of your interior.

Industrial design takes inspiration from factories built during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, in the industrial revolution. They comprised of brick, concrete, iron, and steel, which are designed to last for years.

There are also geometric designs with unique and elegant shapes which make it one of the most sought-after interior design trends in the industry.

2. Special Texture Effects
Today, we can enlighten our room with a lot of modern special texture effects we can find on wallpaper surfaces!
- Metallic textured wallpapers can bring elegance and style into your interiors when the light from lamps or natural sunlight reflect on it.

- Velvet textured wallpapers are made from velvet fabric that is commonly used in luxurious items and spaces such as lounges, landed property, condominium, and club house interiors. The fabric’s smoothness is very distinctive to the touch, creating a different experience from regular wallpapers.

- 3D foam wallpaper is a foam (wood, PVC, glass, metal, or cushion-type) wallpaper with a three-dimensional effect that is light, easy to install for a higher-grade interior. You can choose various types of 3d textures like bricks, or even Victorian style. Click here to see more!

3. Purpose
Did you know that the earliest people used wallpaper in the 16th century? They adorned the interiors of cupboards and smaller rooms in merchant houses than in the manor mansions. Then in the 20th century, they started using wallpaper in every room in the house. Since then, wallpaper has become popular, in both the richest and poorest homes.
And finally now, we can see more purpose in choosing wallpapers than just a mere home decoration, such as:
To make small rooms feel wider with horizontal stripe design

To make low ceiling look higher with vertical stripe design

Create a desired theme and ambience for your home.
Create this ambience ike bringing the outdoors into the indoors with Nature and Tropical wallpaper design, or picking a certain color like beige Plain Wallpaper to create the feeling of comfort and warmth, etc.

4. Easy to Install, Easy to Remove as Well
In the past, people made traditional wallpapers from woven and vinyl materials which were quite difficult to remove. Sometimes it even damages the wall in the process. While modern wallpaper is usually made with non-woven materials that are easier to install. It is more environmentally friendly and we can remove it very quickly without damaging the walls, like these modern wallpapers you can try:
Non-woven Wallpaper
You don’t need to apply the paste to the back of the wallpaper again, the paste in Non-woven wallpaper can be applied directly to the wall, making the installation process much easier and far less messy.

Pre-glued & Self Adhesive wallpaper
To hang both of these wallpaper types, simply remove the backing and smooth it onto your wall. Pre-glued wallpaper uses water-based glue, you can correct the position again and again until it is pasted correctly. So you have more than enough time to repasted.

It is much easier sticker-type wallpaper like self adhesive wallpaper. However, self adhesive wallpaper has a thin and strong adhesive layer made of vinyl chloride on the back, making it easier and faster to apply it to the wall without being too messy. And you can even use this type of wallpaper as a furniture sticker too, such as cupboards, dining tables, refrigerators, and others.

Removable Wallpaper
We also have this removable wallpaper from Japan that has a unique way to install and a variety of patterns. The Hatte me and Hatte me square version can easily peel off the sealed paper on the back, whereas hattan needs to be soaked in water first. You can re-install the wallpaper many times by lightly washing the peeled wallpaper with water and immersing it in the glue again. Even if it is easy to peel-off, the wallpaper won’t move very easily.

Now, you already know the wallpaper advantages for your wall. Here at Honpo, we offer a huge variety of wallpapers, from elegant to bold prints. With us, you can choose from over hundreds of designs and find the perfect wallpaper for your needs.
Our wallpapers come in all forms and choices, from European non-woven ones, to Japanese and Korean paper backing ones. Surely with this many options and brands we house, we guarantee to be able to give you a better home styling idea with our variety of choices.
See more on https://honpo.com.sg/