There are an incredible number of wallpapers designs. How do we choose the perfect wallpaper? Let us help you narrow it down by introducing some of our recommendations. Today, we will be introducing the unique Harelu Series born out of a collaboration between Honpo and Sangetsu. Care to find out?
Original collaboration wallpaper Harelu birth
Wallpaper shop Singapore, Honpo x Sangetsu, with the original collaboration. Incorporating the customer’s desire to get daily fashionable design with durable feature, overlapping as to the trial in discussions with the coder’s Oh etc. Name of millefeuille, it has been developed over a period of about one year Harelu (Harrell).
Unlikely design, exquisite colour line, and good texture are very popular from the beginning! This is a special lineup that we want to recommend with confidence. Installing this wallpaper is very easy with just pre-existing glue. The simple and gorgeous design helps to create a bright and comfortable atmosphere, also looks good to pair with any furniture colour on your room or kids’ room.
Since it is an original design, you can only buy a wallpaper shop main office!
List of Harelu Design Variations
Click here for full Harelu list
Harelu Stars Design
Six colours of greyish colours are perfect for a little messy kids’ room and west coast style. Because it is not too cute, it seems to be active outside the kids’ room.
Gently sparkling gold.
Adult pink is not too cute.
Greyish and chic light blue.
elegant light gray.
Easy green to match any room
Harelu Stripes Design
Modern living and kids room
Natural and West Coast style.
We have six colors that are easy to match with any interior.
Can also be used as a border pattern by pasting horizontally.
Harelu Plain Design
It’s a pale, mature pink that’s not too sweet.
A dull blue with a spraying tone.
The light blue of calm tone. For a fresh color.
Alone can be seen as white.
Polos means “easy” or “simple”, but Harelu polos becomes beautiful with customizations suitable for any series. There’s simple goodness, and it’s the characters that bring even more charm when combined with patterned wallpaper!
Harelu Linen Design
The texture of the rough cloth is also reproduced.
Since there is also a solid pattern on the base, not only accents but also the atmosphere of the base can be matched.
Dark green with a cafe-like atmosphere.
Rough texture of linen with white base.
Sangetsu had a catalogue called Red Bullet (1975-1977). The sign is a red cover that you can’t see now. The origin of the bullet remains a mystery …
A real cloth wallpaper that was discovered from among the many wallpapers in the catalog of red bullets that was sold at that time was a tribute to the remix of wallpaper shop Honpo. A secret story about the birth of a modern vinyl wallpaper! The wallpaper has a history!
Harelu Texture Check!
The first thing that comes to mind after choosing the wallpaper is the texture. It is the visual and tactile feel of the material, or mainly refers to the “surface texture.” Because of the development of processing technology, domestic wallpaper has various kinds of textures. Typical examples are painted walls, fabrics, and sprays. Even with the best matching combination, you may feel uncomfortable if the texture is different, such as when you stick together at the same location, regardless of the advanced technique you enjoy. The texture of Harelu is listed on each product page, but we think that it may not be possible to communicate with images alone.
That’s why we will give you a material report with the subjectivity!
Fine Spray / Matte Texture
Stars, stripe and plain colour variations have the same texture. With a matte finish like painted with paint, there is no gloss, so there is little reflection of the sun and it is easy to adjust to your room. Because it is a fine spraying tone, it feels moist while being a little rough.
Roughly Textured
As the name of linen , it has a texture like fabric. Changing and sharpening the thickness of the lines that intersect vertically and horizontally is one of the things you can do to express the realism of the fabric. You not only print lines of color running vertically, but also recreate the weaving threads to get shading and friction. A smooth touch.
Coordinate Example

Stars ZC4005 × Cushion Floor 3506

Stripe ZC4007 × Plain ZC4016 × Cushion floor SCM-4208
What did you think? I hope that you can know that the wallpaper shop Honpo x Sangetsu’s original collaboration wallpaper Harelu is a wallpaper that incorporates your needs and has a lot of attention.
First of all, it will be very beautiful if you consider it as an accent of a small part, not the whole room. Please try!

Gold Gold (ZC4001) and Grayish Pink (ZC4002) have a slightly pearly finish on the stars, making the sparkle that is too much to insist on! Recommended for those who want to add a casual accent ♪
The point that you can see is the large and small distribution of the arrangement of stars at random times. It makes the wallpaper easy on the eyes, but also lovely at the same time.