Gray wallpaper is one of the wallpapers that our customers often choose. This wallpaper is able to create a warm, soothing, stylish, and is suitable when combined with other interiors. When decorating a living room, bedroom, or other space in the house, gray is a basic neutral color that is perfect anywhere. Our customers believe that gray wallpaper makes a great neutral base tone for any room in their home.
If you are still unsure about gray wallpapers, we have a question for you. Do you want a minimalist, modern, clean, or dramatic look? Gray is the best color you can rely on. Do you need further consideration? In this article, Honpo will invite you to see the beauty of shades of gray in our wallpaper collection. Let’s see the gray wallpaper here!
1. Pastel Gray

Pastel Gray is more reminiscent of bright, shining silver, not just some calm, muted colors. It has a very small amount of yellow, so there’s just a hint of warmth. Pastel Gray is a good color choice if you’re looking for a shade of gray that’s close to being white.
Filigrano 964721 by Rasch
Kimono 408171 by Rasch
2. Ice Gray

If you’ve heard of Ice Blue, Ice Gray is an alternative when you’re looking for the same energy in a more neutral shade. It’s closer to being a very pale pastel gray, but it has just a hint of blue. So whenever you need a neutral that manages to be both bright and cool, Ice Gray just might be the right color for your interior project.
Rhea Plaid Grey Rose Gold 108301 by Graham & Brown
Prism White 101314 by Graham & Brown
3. White Gray

This combination gives patterns a slightly cooler, decidedly modern look. It’s pale enough that it works beautifully as an alternative to white in traditional black and white patterns.
Rato by Shinhan
Dalia 100303 by Rasch Textil
4. Lavender Grey

A lovely, gentle mixture of two colors that look great together. Its complementary color is the soft, pearl-like Pastel Gray. These two colors look especially nice together, and Lavender Gray also works well alongside ivory and other shades of off-white.
Fresh Breeze 15093 by Shinhan
Agate, Sterling by Rebel Walls
5. Vintage Grey

The most of gray shades have a slight retro feel to them. You probably identify black and white photos with the color. Vintage Gray makes a statement when used in grayscale designs because of its rich, present tone and gorgeous, old-world vibe, especially when compared to much paler grays.
Charlotta Forest Green 830-78 by Sandberg
Here at Honpo, we offer a huge variety of wallpapers, from elegant to bold prints, and of course with beautiful gray shades wallpapers too! With us, you can choose from over hundreds of designs and find the perfect wallpaper for your needs.
Our wallpapers come in all forms and choices, from European non-woven ones, to Japanese and Korean paper backing ones. Surely with this many options and brands we house, we guarantee to be able to give you a better home styling idea with our variety of choices.
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