Instead of changing to new wallpaper, do you know that you can clean the wallpaper? Some people think wallpaper has a lower maintenance cost than wall paint. If you use wall paint, you can repaint it after 1-2 years so it looks good again depending on the type of paint. Meanwhile, wallpaper can last more than 1-2 years. Besides that, you can feel the advantages of the beauty wallpaper. Humidity can indeed make the quality of the wallpaper look less than optimal. However, if you choose to clean the wallpaper, it will keep the color as good as new. We’ll show you 4 easy steps to clean the wallpaper to keep it’s quality.
1. Clean The Surface

Clean the surface of the wallpaper whether it is vinyl, fiberglass, or microfiber with a special wallpaper brush by moving downwards in long, fine strokes. Avoid cleaning the wallpaper with a strong rub, the risk of the wallpaper will peel off easily.
2. Deep Cleaning With Soap

You may not be sure about the stage of clean the wallpaper this one. But not just any soap that you can use. Mix 2 tablespoons of dish soap in a bucket of warm water and mix them well. Dip a soft sponge in soapy water and squeeze it out until it is damp. Then, wipe off the wallpaper. This method is effective for cleaning vinyl and fiberglass wallpapers.
3. Dry It Away

After making sure the unwanted stains have been cleaned evenly, let it dry on its own. If you want it to dry quickly, you pat dry by using a soft microfiber cloth as a shortcut, do it from the top to bottom.
4. Different Stains, Different Cleaning

Here are our tips to clean different kind of stains; you can use a rubber eraser or plain white bread for dirty or discolored areas until it cleaned. For stubborn water or oil stains, apply the bleach to a small surface area, let it sit for 5 – 10 minutes, then wipe it off with a damp sponge. For moldy areas, try use bleach or white vinegar by using soft sponge or cotton ball, let sit for 10 minutes and dry it with towel.

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