The age old question The debate on wallpaper vs paint has been heated, to say the least in the past decade. While some can’t stop talking about the many merits of the new-age wallpapers as the best option to adorn and protect walls, others vehemently oppose any questions challenging the goodness of traditional paint. While…
Category: Uncategorized
EUROPEAN Wallpaper – DIY x Non-Woven
European Wallpaper is one of the most reliable wallcoverings and known for its vibrant designs. In this article, we will be introduce European wallpaper as a whole and the wondrous material they are made of, non-woven fabric.[br] Wallpapers made from non-wove fabric are highly durable and can be used for a long period of time….
What is PRE-GLUED Japanese Wallpaper?
What if you want to save costs on wallpaper installation through DIY, but want to avoid using cheap looking adhesive stickers or doing it the traditional way… Enter Honpo’s Pre-Glued Japanese Wallpapers, a Japan exclusive technology, which employs water-based glue that can be stored for weeks upon packaging. You will be able to install like…